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foxwizard ☾

Much of my work happens under the guise of Dr. Fox “Archwizard of Ambiguity” (most fantastic), where I provide keynote presentations, fireside provocations, masterclasses and quest-leadership programs to those who seek meaningful progress—beyond the default. ✦

Yet—for those of us paying attention—it increasingly feels as though we are between worlds. There a new paradigms emerging; and old ones collapsing.

This is not always a palatable concept to those who are heavily invested in the old paradigm—hence why much of my work as foxwizard tends to be with collapse-aware founders and forward-thinking, well-funded teams actively venturing amidst the unprecedented.

If you suspect I may be able to assist in your endeavours, please use the contact form over at or email my partner and business manager—and let’s unlock meaningful progress together.

// Where to now? //

Thanks for being here · I’m foxwizard (aka Dr Fox)

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Have my ravens deliver The Museletter to you, so that you might be a more effective imposter within the mythical ‘future of leadership’. I also share glimmers, cantrips, spells, and other heretical musings.