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foxwizard ☾

🍂 Why “leaders” need a blog

It’s like the digital temple of your growing mind.

Note: this is An Olde Museletter, from a different time and place: some links may no longer work and some ideas may no longer be ‘as true’.

Read at your own peril.

It seems rather quaint—doesn’t it?—a ‘personal blog’. But as many (or well: a few of us) become wiser to the reality-distortions of the algorithmically-generated content fed to us on social media (and, simply, via our google searches), it’ll be the independent blogs, podcasts and ‘owned’ media that clever folk increasingly turn to. And thus: if you’re a student, an entrepreneur, a manager or executive (or whatever)—a blog becomes one of the surest ways for people to get a sense of who you are and what you are about.

But I have a LinkedIn account. But I don’t write well. But I’m worried that [insert worry]. But Jason! I know you’re one of those folks who use the word ‘leader’ very generously—but I’m actually a leader. Like: an executive. I barely have time to think—how on Earth am I going to find the time to blog? And why would I bother?

I know, I know. These are all good questions and fair concerns. And yes I do use the term ‘leader’ very loosely.

But still, I maintain and contend: a personal blog will do you a world of good. Even if you only post once or twice each season.

I recommend folks to folks. The folks I recommend folks to will often say things like “Can you give me a link to where I can learn more a bit more about them?” to which I often say “Um, not really but here is their twitter and linkedin accounts?” In essence, I need to direct people to the distracted mess that is a social media platform, and they either experience the wax-model persona polished and professionally preened for LinkedIn—or they experience the pell-mell hodgepodge of scattered and superficial not-thine-own thoughts on the outrage platform that is Twitter.

A personal blog, though. That’s a haven. A breadcrumb trail of your own development and growth. A curated cabinet of curiosities accrued through the meandering path you’ve made thus far in this life. An alternative take might be the ‘/now’ page (just look at all those fellow players of this infinite game, all up in their roles; adorable).

I’m no Blog Expert, by the way. I don’t even like the word ‘blog’. But I am an advocate for journalling (and of any practice that encourages reflexivity). Thus I do think the considered curation and presentation of the best distillations of your own proto-synthesis is a good and helpful thing. It part of your own myth-making.

But hey—there are no right answers or right ways here. I don’t even know how much I believe in my own stance—I think I just want to be a little provocative, in this instance. To stir up some conversation and thought. And naturally, I have my biases. But—all that aside—do you have a blog? Or a podcast? What’s your stance on it all?

// Where to now? //

Thanks for being here · I’m foxwizard (aka Dr Fox)

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