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foxwizard ☾

🦊 Scruples for sale

Glammourie and at least two kinds of kitsune.

So my last museletter on web3 and regenerative finance didn’t result in the backlash I had feared it might. Quite the opposite, really. And at our recent Rekindling event I also shared my enthusiasm for nature-based carbon sequestration (alongside decarbonisation)—and how this is enhanced by decentralised, permissionless, uncensorable, open source, transparent and immutable public ledgers (aka blockchains). That went very well, too.

I’ve come to reflect that it’s only been a small handful of folk close to me who seemed to have vehemence for the experimentations happening in web3. And that I had probably been using this museletter as a means of self-therapy in public, which is always awkward, hoho. My proclivity for deleting past episodes is beginning to surface again—there’s still something not-quite-right about how The Internet enshrines any thinking in draft. And all thinking is in draft. The mercurial fox in me does not like to be pinned so. Yet the satyr ‘fūck it’ energy—which may well be the closest thing to a Word I have this year—stays my hand. I don’t know quite what I will do just yet.

// Where to now? //

Thanks for being here · I’m foxwizard (aka Dr Fox)

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further musings

Have my ravens deliver The Museletter to you, so that you might be a more effective imposter within the mythical ‘future of leadership’. I also share glimmers, cantrips, spells, and other heretical musings.