🏮 e3 // Journal like a Wizard ⟐⧑
Cultivate the regenerative capacity to think for yourself. ✨
On this page...

In episode 3 I share some almost-practical insight on how to journal like a wizard.
(This wizard, at least. 😅)
As we near the end of the year—and as we plunge ever deeper into the cacophony of misinformation, disinformation, polarisation, discord, complexity, ambiguity, paradox, and doubt—cultivating the regenerative capacity to think for yourself is more vital than ever.
But ultimately: this is a practice of tending to your own processing, integration, metabolising, healing, deepening, wisening, and developing. Tending to your own unfurling. We do this so that we might find meaningful progress, serve The Altogether, and live deliciously.
Below you’ll find a screenshot of the daily journaling template I use (after a misleading episode summary, chapters, references, and the One Thing I forgot to share).
A misleading episode summary (by shoggoth)
Here foxwizard explores the transformative power of journaling, emphasising its role in developing metacognition and personal growth. He shares advanced techniques whilst providing a detailed template for daily journaling, encouraging listeners to engage with their thoughts and emotions deeply. foxwizard also discusses the significance of confronting one's shadow self and shaping daily intentions to foster meaningful progress in life.
Keywords: journaling, self-reflection, metacognition, personal development, daily practice, narrative, tarot, meaningful progress
Chapters to skip to
00:00 Intro
00:57 Why do wizards keep a journal?
02:19 Reflecting on our last episode
06:04 A dive into the deep wondrous art of journaling
08:07 An attempted episode tease
09:05 Firstly: Morning Pages
13:16 The best way to cultivate a habit of morning pages
16:48 What about those with a penchant for paper & quill?
18:56 Here I go talking about development (again)
20:59 Journalling “Apps”
22:46 The gift of becoming fatigued by one’s own bullshit
24:18 Consider Obsidian for your spells
25:45 My daily journaling scaffold-template
29:12 VIBE
32:45 The daily tarot draw (provocation; not divination)
42:47 OMM and AWE
47:00 Befriending the Shadow
48:38 The Shape of the Day
49:19 Do it for The Plot
52:19 Errands & tasks
53:36 End of Day reflection
54:28 Warp warding
55:14 Wizardly wrap-up
Remember: you can also watch this episode on YouTube.
Wouldst thou like a transcript?
Here you are! (52kb plain text file)
References & notes
Here are some of the things I mentioned.
- The tagline for this episode—“cultivate the regenerative capacity to think for yourself”—is something I was inspired by from Carol Sanford’s wonderful book No More Gold Stars.
- The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron – morning pages + artist dates are such numinous concepts from this program.
- There Is No Right Way To Meditate by Yumi Sakugawa – I love her framing; it applies to much of life.
- 750words.com – a, nay, the best way to cultivate a daily journaling practice.
- The Hobonichi Techo 5-year Diary – an intimidating (yet rewarding) gift.
- On Bullshit by Harry Frankfurt – I include this so that folks know that, by bullshit, I mean: an indifference to truth (as distinct from dishonesty).
- “File over app” philosophy by Steph Ango – inspiring and pragmatic.
- Obsidian.md – my go-to knowledge garden.
- Readwise – my digital repository for articles and highlights, seamlessly synced with Obsidian.
- Peter Levine’s “Felt Sense” Exercise – a handy primer for the somatic activity of genuinely sensing into what we feel.
- The Magic: The Gathering Color Wheel (& Humanity) – one of my all-time favourite articles; an exquisite distillation of a simple-yet-complex philosophy of “magic”.
- Fyodor Pavlov’s Tarot – this is my favourite deck, and the one I use for my physical readings.
- Labyrinthos by Tina Gong – this app and associated website is a treasure trove. I use her app when I can’t do a physical reading, and have enjoyed the way she has made learning the deeper nuances of Tarot so accessible. Highly recommended.

- Ōura Ring – as a wizard I try not wear too many things that will interfere with my magics, but this enchanted ring has remained quite useful and appreciated.
- Supra Oracle Deck by Uusi – I really love the art style of this deck. Sometimes, when I am stuck for writing or flow, I will pluck a card at random to see what might be evoked.
- The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier – really, this remains the most universally exquisite-useful-and-apt distillation of questions for pretty much any coaching context. I use the first two questions every day in my journaling practice.
- Immunity to Change by Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey – I need to find some other examples that illustrate the generative paradox of conflicting values. The concepts behind this book are great, but it’s a dry read, and it’s pitched for Enterprise Land.
- When I refer to my section on “The Plot” (below), I am mostly referencing the meme “Do it for The Plot”. This is “an internet slang term used to encourage yourself or others to do something, regardless of the potential for a bad or otherwise life-changing outcome, in order to advance ‘the plot’ and move on to the next ‘plot point,’ as if considering yourself the main character of your life.” Of course, you or I are not the main characters of our lives—we are emergent “ecological expressions” of something greater—but hey, for journaling it’s fun to indulge. Where else do we get to be so solipsistic, eh?
- Acceptance & Commitment Therapy – I make a hat tip to this, in a vague and off-hand manner.
The One Thing I forgot to share
Part of the charm of having a daily note template (in Obsidian) is that I can use community plugins (such as Liam Cain’s Periodic Notes) to enhance the flow in which my journaling happens.
And so, as part of my daily journaling I have a little box at the top of my daily template that highlights “the current chapter”. I tend to work in seasons these days, and right now we are mid-spring in The Antipodean Realms.
The point of having “the current chapter” prominent at the beginning of the daily journaling template is that it keeps your seasonal “objectives” top of mind each day, whereas they might otherwise become lost, obfuscated or forgotten.
You’ll see from my template screenshot below that I have “podcast flow” as a milestone (which I have prematurely checked for you—each episode takes me about two days to plan, record, edit/transcribe, upload, publish, and write these museletters to you, so—ha—I’m not sure that this is “flow” just yet).
Another thing I include as part of “the current chapter” is the “theme”. For me, right now, through a series of uncanny coincidences, repeated exposure, and a literal witch, I have the Ace of Cups as a symbolic reminder to lead with heart. Sounds super lame, I know. Yet... it feels right. ❤︎
My daily journaling template
My current template is as thus:
vibe // soma, mood, mana, draw, sleep and readiness – this is mostly a somatic and imaginal check-in
omm + awe // The first two questions guiding my ‘morning pages’ – the intent here is flow (ideally between 500–750 words)
shadow // wherein I ask: what am I avoiding? And: what am I pretending to not know? – here I seek to surface hidden commitments and conflicting values
dayshape // here I timebox the day – I treat this as an amusing hypothesis more than a rigid structure or plan
the plot // here I highlight the single most important, ‘plot progressing’ task, along with my ((secret task)) – if I lose the plot, this is what I return to
errands + tasks // here we finally get to list a few todos – it takes some knack to avoid launching straight into productivity mode, but it’s worth staving
reflection // if inclined, I reflect upon: what I did, what I learned, and what I shall do tomorrow – any insight can become seeds for tomorrow’s journaling
And now here is a screenshot from the blank markdown file that serves as an automagic template in Obsidian. I was going to show you an actual entry but decided to preserve some mystique.

And there we have it!
Hopes & Dreams
I hope that this musing + podcast serves as a source of invigoration for you to begin, rekindle or renew a practice of journaling. And it is a practice. Don’t feel intimidated. I regularly get out of practice. My daily journaling habit is something I am lucky to maintain once or twice a week sometimes (hoho). But always—always—you can work your way back into flow.
I really find 750words.com to be so handy for finding confidence and flow in your journaling. And if any of what I shared above feels too technical, obscure, advanced, or even too pedestrian and basic, then of course: you know you can do whatever the heck you want. You’re a wizard, too.
Finally, I dream that, someday, I’ll have podcasting fully figured out for you. Something efficacious and sustainable. I’d love to share more with you—I relish this medium.
Also: perhaps you have a friend who might also be contemplating [a re-invigoration or return to] journaling? If so, you know what to do. ✨
Gratitude and warmth,