🏮 Questing Betwixt—a new podcast by foxwizard
Thoughtful provocations for the quietly dissatisfied ✨

What-ho, what-ho. I’m foxwizard and we are questing amidst the metacrisis, in a time betwixt worlds. This is a podcast for the post-woke, post-tragic, construct-aware agents amongst us. The infinite players who choose to stay in the trouble, so that we might somehow collectively cultivate a world more curious and kind (and a future less grim).
Season One is ꧁ “The Warmening” ꧂
Here I shall be attending to the many questions asked of me by my museletter subscribers. You can subscribe for free at foxwizard.com
In my daylight persona I galavant as Dr. Jason Fox, Archwizard of Ambiguity (most fantastic). That guy is a world-renowned keynote speaker and leadership advisor, with many happy clients. Sometimes, in that role, I am asked beautifully complex questions. Whilst on stage, I am not in a position to offer the response such questions deserve—lest I eat into the time of the next speaker. But here, oh my, here we can indulge and go deep.
With luck, this podcast shall offer wit, wisdom and wiles to help you be a better imposter in the mythical “future of leadership”. Let’s see.
So, dear fellow quester, join me as we seek meaningful progress—beyond the default. Together we shall foray heartily—amidst complexity, ambiguity, emergence and collapse—so as to harvest the freshest, darkest and most dubious fruits of wisdom (for our combined edification and delight).