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Dr. Jason Fox

A wizard-philosopher masquerading as a leadership advisor.


💌 A hidden epiphany

Wherein I allude.

quest leadership

🔮 The Labyrinths of Reason

Finding your way to—and through—The Abyss.

quest leadership

💌 Subversive leadership

Exploring the emerging frontiers of decentralised social media.

quest leadership

💌 Where does strategy come from?

And do we even need it? (Yes, of course we do. Mostly.)


💌 There is no antimemetics protocol ☀️

A potential avenue of research for the ‘summer of protocols’.


💌 The Museletter by foxwizard

A warm welcome to the new website.

fox magic

💌 A Fool’s Journey

An indulgent solipsistic reflection.


🍂 frens and ferns

Note: this is An Olde Museletter, from a different time and place: some links may no longer work and some ideas may no longer be ‘as true’. Read at your own peril. Ahoy frens, I enjoy writing to you. Good writing is like clear thinking. And whilst I rarely consider

fox magic

🦊 Scruples for sale

Glammourie and at least two kinds of kitsune.

metamodern wizardry

🧙🏻‍♂️ Why web3?

On blockchain, web3, regenerative finance, and more.

Have my ravens deliver The Museletter to you, so that you might be a more effective imposter within the mythical ‘future of leadership’. I also share glimmers, cantrips, spells, and other heretical musings.